Vuse Pods or ePod Cartridges, formerly Vype Pods, will change your vaping experience for the better by offering a variety of tasty flavours as well as different nicotine strengths useable in all ePods. Vype Pod refills are easy to fit into your ePod with no mess and no fuss. The Vype ePod is a great device for firs time vapers looking to make the switch due to its ease of use, low maintenance, and great value with Vype ePod Cartridges. Each pack of Vype pods contains 2 pods that have a 1.9mL capacity, 180 Smoke carries the entire range of Vype Pods in Canada including all flavours and nic strengths.
180 Smoke carries the entire range of Vuse ePod Cartridges & Pods for your ePod starter kit. Pre-filled with flavourful e-liquid, using varying strengths of freebase nicotine or nicotine salt, Vuse Pods give you the customizability to create your ideal vaping experience.
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